Libraries are a community cornerstone | Letter to the editor

To the editor:

As a lifelong library supporter, I urge you to vote yes on Proposition 1 to approve an 8 cent increase in funding for Kitsap Libraries.

Our beloved Bainbridge Library is part of the Kitsap Regional Library system which supplies the staffing, books, classes and virtual library for all libraries in the county. That system is funded by property taxes.

Here are some facts:

An 8 cent increase is approximately $2 per month for a $300,000 property;

A large turnout of yes voters from Bainbridge might well mean the difference between passing and not passing this levy;

If the levy passes, Sunday hours will return; and

If the levy fails, all branches will close an additional day per week.

Our libraries are the cornerstones of our communities. They provide access to real information, technology and community gatherings. Reducing that access is unacceptable and detrimental to the health of our population.

Please vote YES and encourage your friends and neighbors to do so as well.

Linda Meier


Bainbridge Island