I should have asked: Why not wear masks? | Letter to the editor

To the editor:

Why aren’t you protecting my life?

While at Bainbridge Gardens this morning I was constantly turning corners and backing up to keep a safe distance between myself and the only two unmasked people in the nursery. It seemed wherever I went, there they came. The man was coughing now and again as well.

Under the “I wish I had said” department is the following that I wish I had but didn’t, “By wearing a mask, I’m not only protecting myself but you, why aren’t you protecting me?” And as a doubly vulnerable person, I’m not kidding.

Finally at checkout where there they were again behind me, I saw that masks were being sold by the cash register. Driving out I wondered why I didn’t buy two masks for the couple behind me but then they probably wouldn’t wear them anyway.

P.S.: Bainbridge Gardens’ staff were all masked and keeping safe distances from the public.


Bainbridge Island