General Election vote reveals sad truisms | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: Americans overwhelmingly want the minimum wage increased — then elect Republicans who are opposed to it.

To the editor:

Americans overwhelmingly want the minimum wage increased — then elect Republicans who are opposed to it.

Americans are frightened of gun violence — then elect Republicans who oppose gun buyer checks.

Americans are worried about climate change — then elect Republicans who call it a hoax.

Americans think immigration is broken — then elect Republicans who vow not to bring it to a vote.

Americans think health insurance providers are not fair — then elect Republicans who will repeal ACA.

Americans worry about jobs — then elect Republicans who will not fund repair of infrastructure.

Americans want peace — then elect Republicans who fund military arms we do not need.

Americans do not want government gridlock — then elect Republicans who only filibuster and block votes.

Submitted by a FORMER Republican.


Bainbridge Island