Change of leadership needed on city council | Letter to the editor

To the editor:

I am guessing most of us do not really know the candidates running for office. I would like to briefly explain how I made my choice and maybe it will help you.

First, the forums starting with the League of Women Voters in the Primary and ending with the League of Women Voters last Friday. Fetterly gave solid, pragmatic answers. His opponent gave more idealistic answers. Fetterly offered sensible answers without being wishy-washy. Winner, Fetterly.

Second, weekly city council meetings. Ever been to one? If not, take the time to view any meeting online. The meetings drag on forever, sometimes close to midnight. You cannot get anything done running meetings like that. Fetterly’s opponent sets the agenda and runs the meetings.

As a comparison, check out the Poulsbo meetings that are organized run like clockwork and do not go past 9 p.m. We need to get real priority work done. That is Fetterly’s mantra. For me, winner Fetterly

Third, did you watch the national Democratic debates? There were some pearls (not an indication of who should win — just salient points). Amy Klobuchar talked about the difference between a plan and a pipe dream and that reminded me of our city council. Our council, led by Fetterly’s opponent, is chasing dreams and ideals. For example, time spent on chasing the New Green Deal is a nice idea but the council has real work to do.

Fourth, preparedness. It is obvious when attending council meetings that some council members are not prepared. Fetterly, as a candidate, has shown he has great depth on many subjects. For example, the issue of water supply on Bainbridge. Fetterly can zoom into the details like a laser and does not mess around with anything but the science. He is an engineer with a business mind. Fetterly is also adverse to the multitude of expensive and unnecessary “studies” promoted by his opponent.

Do you want a shot on spending your tax dollars more wisely? Fetterly is the best choice.

There are lots more reasons, but in a recent island-wide survey more than 80 percent of Bainbridge residents think we are doing a poor job of governance. That alone suggests a change of leadership.

Kevin Fetterly is well qualified for a vote.


Bainbridge Island