While it isn’t exactly a new 100 Building, it’s definitely a new look: the Bainbridge Island School District has recently…
It appears that special time of year is approaching once more: the start of school.
The Island nonprofit Bainbridge Youth Services is looking for potential kings and queens of Baker Hill.
The founder of a Seattle-based fishing company is seeking to bring a 60-room luxury hotel to downtown Winslow.
The late Dave Ullin, well-known among Bainbridge Islanders as the unofficial custodian of Eagle Harbor, will be commemorated in the…
The island-based charity group Arms Around Bainbridge isn’t your average nonprofit: The group is run entirely by volunteers, with a…
With Monday’s solar eclipse being what my grandmother would call, “a feast for the eyes,” you ought to spend this…
Bainbridge Islanders gathered at Winslow Green early last week to mourn the death of Heather Heyer who was killed protesting…
Parents, rejoice! Students, despair!
Islanders gathered Monday to show the world, and each other, that they won’t be deterred by bigots or bullies.
A shellfish harvesting closure has been expanded to cover Kitsap County’s entire eastern shoreline due to elevated levels of the…
The Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park & Recreation District has issued a ban on smoking in all of the island parks…
An upcoming meeting of the Bainbridge Island Metropolitan Park & Recreation District to discuss site plan options for Sakai Park,…