Trump’s fourth week in office | In cartoons

It’s been another busy week for newspaper cartoonists, with missile tests in North Korea to White House leaks to President Trump’s bombastic and bizarre press conference to America’s newest “enemy” — the media. [And another week of Trump’s footsie with Putin, here.]

Here’s a collection of cartoons chronicling the fourth week of the Trump presidency.

Featured artists are:

Martin Sutovec, Slovakia

Nate Beeler, The Columbus Dispatch

John Cole, The Scranton Times-Tribune

David Fitzsimmons, The Arizona Star

Rick McKee, The Augusta Chronicle

John Darkow, Columbia Daily Tribune, Missouri

Kap, La Vanguardia, Spain

Ed Wexler,

Marian Kamensky, Slovakia

Joep Bertrams, The Netherlands

Steve Sack, The Minneapolis Star Tribune

Paul Zanetti, Australia

Bill Day, Cagle Cartoons

Rainer Hachfeld, Neues Deutschland, Germany

Trump’s fourth week in office | In cartoons
Trump’s fourth week in office | In cartoons
Trump’s fourth week in office | In cartoons
Trump’s fourth week in office | In cartoons
Trump’s fourth week in office | In cartoons
Trump’s fourth week in office | In cartoons
Trump’s fourth week in office | In cartoons
Trump’s fourth week in office | In cartoons
Trump’s fourth week in office | In cartoons
Trump’s fourth week in office | In cartoons
Trump’s fourth week in office | In cartoons
Trump’s fourth week in office | In cartoons
Trump’s fourth week in office | In cartoons
Trump’s fourth week in office | In cartoons