Take action on climate change with your vote | Letter to the editor

To the editor:

The vast majority of Americans understand that climate change is human caused and represents a threat to our wellbeing.

We also understand that we will need to take action to cut the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that cause climate change. While the work ahead may seem overwhelming, we have an opportunity to take meaningful action in November.

We can vote yes.

Yes for Initiative 1631. This initiative will raise money to accelerate our transition to a clean energy economy. It is supported by Microsoft founder Bill Gates who believes “passing the measure would help Washington become a hub for work on clean energy and climate.”

Yes for Bainbridge Island SAFE Mobility Levy that will raise money to create safe cycling and walking on Bainbridge Island. This means widening shoulders, improving trails island wide and sidewalks downtown. Specific information about possible projects are listed in Resolution 2018-21 which can be found on the city of Bainbridge Island website.

Our vehicles are a major source of GHG emissions. While we may not be able to afford a new electric car, we can choose to cycle and walk more often. Better infrastructure means less cars on the road, more parking downtown, less carbon pollution, healthier children (and adults).

It is magical thinking to assume climate change will end without action to cut GHG emissions. While it’s possible to find objections to both these initiatives, they represent important actions to move forward to a viable future for us and our children. Let’s get this done.

Vote YES.


Bainbridge Island