Good location near downtown for garage | Letter to the Editor

To the editor:

This article is a follow-up to Gary Pettersen’s letter in the Bainbridge Review of Nov. 30, 2018 regarding the need for more parking on the Island.

I agree whole heartedly. There is still the question of how a parking garage is going to be paid for! However the question of a need for a new parking garage is valid.

Where ever it is built, it should be non-obtrusive. It should not be something that sticks out like a sore thumb!

The garage in size, should be about four stories high and around 100 or 200 feet in length and width. It should also have open sides in which to get rid of car emissions.

There are several places where the parking garage could be built that would be non-obtrusive to the eye. I suggest that it be built in the canyon, west of the Bainbridge Island Museum of Art and north of Winslow Way.

It could be built using structural steel I-beams with concrete floors which should minimize the cost of construction and would have very little impact on the environment since the footprint of the bases needed for supporting the structural steel would be minimal in size.

A study is needed to determine what impact the garage may have on the canyon’s environment.


Bainbridge Island